Battlescribe Warhammer 40k Profile Types
Warhammer 40k is a tabletop game set in a dystopian future. I have taken a liking to this game, because you get to assemble and paint the models that you play with. This makes games really fun to play, since every game has the personal touch of my badly painted armies.
Choosing those armies can be a bit daunting however, since they are so varied. Players seldom understand what units they need in their army so as to take down certain opponents. More importantly, a bad judgment call during battle means a player could lose their army unnecessarily, and lose the game as a consequence.
It is because I wanted to better understand how the exact statistics of games play out that I have decided to crunch the Battlescribe Warhammer 40K datasets.
Unfortunately, these are community made datasets and are only intended for use within Battlescribe. Battlescribe isn’t a game simulator, it only allows players to pick and customise their armies and then print a datasheet that is convenient for actual games.
I have gone through all the profile tags listed in the data and attached them below. We can see that since this is a community dataset, there is a lot of overlap in the types of profiles declared. It could well be that they are all truly unique, but I will be looking into whether some of them can actually be shared and simplified.
At a later point I will be writing about how data is processed and have some working applications for users to try out. Until then, please feel free to grab this as a baseline if you are processing the same data.
import java.util.Arrays;
* Profiles in the Warhammer 40k datasets have these types
public enum W40kProfileType {
UNIT_WOUNDS_BASED( "5f4f-ea74-0630-4afe" ),
WEAPON( "d5f97c0b-9fc9-478d-aa34-a7c414d3ea48" ),
UNIT( "800f-21d0-4387-c943" ),
ABILITY( "72c5eafc-75bf-4ed9-b425-78009f1efe82" ),
TRANSPORT( "b3a8-0452-7436-44d1" ),
PSYKER( "bc97-dea9-9e88-bb7d" ),
PSYCHIC_POWER( "ae70-4738-0161-bec0" ),
KEYWORD( "b900-0afb-e411-2cbb" ),
MUTATED_BEYOND_REASON_1( "ab9e-0e23-5699-9d71" ),
MUTATED_BEYOND_REASON_2( "0df0-4184-4497-92fd" ),
MUTATED_BEYOND_REASON_3( "6c48-3f8e-adc6-e417" ),
EXPLOSION_1( "0891-2df5-19c2-de63" ),
EXPLOSION_2( "1c4c-8a58-c471-95e3" ),
EXPLOSION_3( "a8d9-0b84-1b10-5a8f" ),
EXPLOSION_4( "818c-0db1-36f0-462a" ),
EXPLOSION_5( "30af-0cff-c525-cc81" ),
EXPLOSION_6( "88a9-3700-776b-79d1" ),
EXPLOSION_7( "6535-c5b9-7431-63ec" ),
EXPLOSION_8( "bacf-b76e-8bbc-ac56" ),
WOUND_TRACK_DUNE_CRAWLER( "38d6-4910-d80d-b31d" ),
WOUND_TRACK_DROP_POD( "cfcb-6416-94fb-4744" ),
WOUND_TRACK_KNIGHTS( "9005-1a1f-3971-8480" ),
WOUND_TRACK_TITAN_1( "7ee9-2938-dd45-dff3" ),
WOUND_TRACK_TITAN_2( "9276-4ade-22c4-5cb6" ),
WOUND_TRACK_TITAN_3( "d663-48aa-4a14-260b" ),
WOUND_TRACK_VAULT( "7c4c-335c-5534-07fe" ),
WOUND_TRACK_TRANSPORT( "67c2-86d6-5956-58cb" ),
WOUND_TRACK_SOKAR( "150a-3fd2-81c5-cb57" ),
WOUND_TRACK_OBELISK( "4ec1-d4cb-eecc-b265" ),
WOUND_TRACK_FLIER( "1355-1e88-8ca1-9111" ),
WOUND_TRACK_SKORPIUS_DUNERIDER( "3f25-98ee-0925-acc8" ),
WOUND_TRACK_VOID_SHIELD( "8760-b4e3-100c-cd59" ),
WOUND_TRACK_XIPHON( "84ed-ecf3-5d8d-c067" ),
WOUND_TRACK_MONOLITH( "4ef8-90f4-8b5a-2352" ),
WOUND_TRACK_NAUT( "4f8f-111d-cdd9-6db0" ),
WOUND_TRACK_PLAGUE_HULK_1( "23d7-4237-f378-5bcb" ),
WOUND_TRACK_PLAGUE_HULK_2( "24bd-9b25-01b9-29f1" ),
WOUND_TRACK_GS( "d58d-8c3d-54e1-9821" ),
WOUND_TRACK_PLAGUEBURST_CRAWLER( "fbcc-57e7-dd64-9b10" ),
WOUND_TRACK_KILL_TANK( "dc42-c17d-54f3-df0a" ),
WOUND_TRACK_GAUSS_PYLONG( "d7eb-6b4b-fb4b-26fb" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_A_1( "e6d5-85c5-7b01-a3c4" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_A_2( "ec1e-7b4c-1c12-17a1" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_A_3( "1d29-31cd-c362-d722" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_A_4( "9b74-b72b-d6bc-194a" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_A_5( "29af-65db-c2dc-cfa1" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_A_6( "bc4a-228a-5761-6770" ),
STAT_DMG_BS_S_A_1( "3045-9f1c-3327-a388" ),
STAT_DMG_BS_S_A_2( "e396-53ae-c9e0-c11e" ),
STAT_DMG_S_A( "ecce-8736-aed9-0d2e" ),
STAT_DMG_M_S_A( "52c8-7349-4ac2-cef2" ),
STAT_DMG_WS_BS_A( "2931-0d83-bea3-6634" ),
STAT_DMG_WS_S_PO( "85fd-6b7a-8424-ccb2" ),
STAT_DMG_WS_S_A( "f37a-cabe-fb51-984f" ),
STAT_DMG_M_WS_A( "af93-555b-e64f-e4b1" ),
STAT_DMG_M_WS_BS( "1d35-9cf8-74f1-32c4" ),
STAT_DMG_M_WS_BS_2( "57ee-d739-8ae4-f2f8" ),
STAT_DMG_M_WS_S( "9de5-d2fe-da97-6d0e" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_1( "6963-0949-caac-f9af" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_2( "8164-003b-2cc1-99b3" ),
STAT_DMG_M_BS_3( "8e0b-501f-13be-6d2f" ),
STAT_DMG_WS_BS_S( "30f5-815e-20ac-1e14" ),
STAT_DMG_M_ADD_ATTKS( "6657-e5fe-e020-4f89" ), // TODO Space Wolves
STAT_DMG_BS( "50ea-3b64-d9ae-0e3f" ),
ROLL_D3( "3f2c-38d3-b6df-df27" ),
ROLL_D3_BOON_OF_CHANGE_1( "b764-10e0-373e-7176" ),
ROLL_D3_BOON_OF_CHANGE_2( "dd44-1ab7-0a76-130d" ), // Extra Limb?
ROLL_D6_BOON_OF_TZEENTCH( "d059-e800-687c-6148" ),
ROLL_D6_WARP_VORTEX( "9760-a771-d0c8-a624" ),
TANK_ORDERS_FULL_THROTTLE( "92f7-e9c5-8a03-8cf2" ),
TANK_ORDERS_PASK( "9d63-858c-c12d-0763" ),
DEATH_KORPS_ORDERS( "df35-fad2-be79-e105" ),
ASTRA_MILITARUM_ORDERS( "5c3a-03e3-c48d-726c" ),
GENOMIC_ENHANCEMENT( "d01c-5195-e332-7b24" ),
ENHANCED_WARRIORS_EFFECT( "ecda-13fc-b1ec-ed87" ),// TODO Chaos Space Marines
FORGE_WORLD_DOGMA( "63a5-ad0e-43c1-d2f0" ), // TODO Adeptus Mechanicus
TALLY( "5dca-3ffa-586b-4fde" ), // TODO Chaos Daemons
TECTONIC_FRAGDRILL( "05e2-717b-01b5-60fa" ), // TODO Genestealer
WARLORD_TRAIT_1( "b2ac-1cb8-8f3c-8ded" ),
WARLORD_TRAIT_2( "7df1-74bd-09c9-492c" ),
WARLORD_TRAIT_3( "0bb9-43c2-e91f-436e" ),
PRAYERS( "7c26-78e8-b63d-70a2" ),
DISTORT_FIELDS( "d0ed-4df2-0d98-e45f" ),
GIFT_OF_CONTAGION_TABLE_1( "df7f-89aa-8f5b-9d81" ),
GIFT_OF_CONTAGION_TABLE_2( "5927-38b7-bf4d-c376" ),
HOUSEHOLD_TRADITION( "dfe7-9b0a-ece9-9141" ),
MORTARION_DAMAGE_TABLE( "c295-780c-d1dd-e59f" ),
QUALITY( "7cbd-dd14-7b99-0b84" ),
LETHAL_AMBUSH( "7bf1-f257-0dfd-89c4" ),
BURDEN( "6da8-0171-efd2-dd94" ),
MECHANICAL_AUGMENTATION( "268c-f8fa-78cd-af4d" ),
BIG_RED_BUTTON( "77e2-f55e-0f49-2781" ),
DYNASTIC_CODE( "e31c-30b0-b621-edf7" ),
FRACTURED_PERSONALITY( "23e3-de60-a404-5b0a" ),
THE_YMGARL_FACTOR( "597c-6571-0e33-dcbe" ),
POWER_OF_CTAN( "b81b-2c69-dd4a-ec88" ),
public final String typeId;
W40kProfileType( String typeId ) {
this.typeId = typeId;
public static W40kProfileType getById( String typeId ) {
return values() )
.filter( type -> type.typeId.equals( typeId.toLowerCase() ) )
.orElseThrow( () -> new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown typeId " + typeId ) );